
woundedness vs. brokeness

And now i think, as I hear this man talk from what he has seen, what he has experienced.
and he said something to the effect of "being wounded and broken are two different things. A wound is something done to us. We had no saying in the decision. We are wounded by others. Brokenness is something we give ourselves to. We decided to be broken. Can their (the wounded's) woundedness break me?"

And I wonder if i can be broken by their wounds. He said, "we don't minister to the poor and wounded. We minister among the poor and wounded, because we realize our brokenness (or the need for brokenness) among theirs."

I am supposed to be able to recognize this wounds the first momment I see them, but I am not. The disciples didn't recognize Jesus who was stading on the other side of the lake. "If He (Jesus) gives me an opportunity to help the wounded, would I recognize Him in the opportunity?" or would I pass by seeing nothing else but a broken body, shattered hopes, and stunning truth of my life being not so bad after all???

Will I compromise to the "ADD, globalized, and googlelized society in which I live?" This man said that the church doesn't experice persecussion in the western countries. Oh yes, she does!!!!!! Just look at the ten commandments being removed from court houses, look at the phrase "in God we trust" being taken out of the pledge, look at school teachers being fired for simply having a Bible on their desks, look the people shouting out their "right for respect." The devil has disguised a perfect plan for subtle persecussion. And what is the church doing? giving into the persecussion! givign into the spirit of "respect" Was Jesus much concerned with "not offending"? He knew how to pick His battles that's for sure. But if He hadn't offended some people, He would not have been crucified. But why were this people offended??? Because they didn't like the truth. If we are going to violate somebody's right for "respect" let's do it so in the spirit of truth. Let's look at that 16 year-old girl who stand up an dreceives the biting because of her savior. If she must stand physical pain and injuries, let's at least honor that by accepting some rejection and some hurt in our ego because of the truth we believe in!


A walk

I went for a walk today. I decided to walk the labyrinth, "a model of the path of my journey" The church has walked the labyrinth for many, many years with the idea of refocusing our lives. Coming back to th realization that our life is a journey, adn our goal is to arrive to the center, the essence of all, Christ.

"The labyrinth is a model we can walk -- a metaphor for a life's journey. But it is not a maze. A maze is a puzzle with twists, turns, and blind alleys...A labyrinth is unicursal - only one path. there are no blind alleys."

That is our spiritual life - an already set path that we simply have to follow. We feel as it we were in a maze because we cannot see far along enough to know were the next 20 steps take us. We can only see and be sure of where our next step is going to follow.
Many times I felt i was so close to reach the target. Man, was I wrong! A slight turn and I was in a completely different way. The target seem farther and farther away.

And the time came when I reached home. I walked around it, and I was comfortable. I did not want to leave. I did not want to leave the one who had so subtledly plan my every step. I realized His work, and I felt loved. But he sent me away, adn off i went to retrace my steps. This time it felt quicker. Not because I knew where I was going. But because I knew I didn't have to worry. He's traced my every step already.

" Your life is a sacred journey. And it is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continously expanding your vision of what is possible, streching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply...And from here, you can only go foward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love."
Caroline Adams