

It is extremely late...and my body is screaming for some rest....yet..my mind is fully awake and begs to work some thoughts out....
Once again i am hit by the fact that pain has a higher purpose than just hurting....not just in my life...but I'm seeing it in my friends...hurts that we have brought upon ourselves and hurts that others have caused inour life....
nonetheless...I'm being able to witness the beauty come forth from the ashes....
William Blake said, "Excessive sorrow laughs. Excessive joy weeps." I've seen them today.....
I've felt them...
the painful tears that are lost in our meaningless laugh....no...not meaningless....ironic...that's a better word...I will not understand why I laugh while i cry...or why tears fill my eyes while joy cannot be greater....
as I walked back from another encounter with this irony of life...i decided that it is time to enjoy it....enjoy the empty spaces that God has allowed in my heart....not try to find their meaning....but rather allow my mind to be amazed by the ironic result of those empty spaces.....an excessive joy that weeps.....
I will not regret the pain...i will probably regret what I did with the pain....but the pain in itself...i won't regret it...because my Savior had a purpose with it.....

"Excessive sorrow laughs......

...Excessive joy weeps...."


Blogger Jael said...

Came to say hi :) Have a wonderful week babe.

11/08/2005 12:53 AM  

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